The Wedding of Ruben & Michelle Click to Open

By God’s grace and blessing,
we are happy to celebrate the marriage of our beloved children

Ruben Timotious

the son of
Mr. Stefanus Irawan Widjaja
Mrs. Juliana Atmadja


Michelle Stefanie

the daughter of
Mr. Julian Stefanus
Mrs. Lenny Hermawan

12 APR 2025





15 NOV 24




14 DEC 24




12 APR 25




Saturday, 12 April 2025


Saturday, 12 April 2025



Stevanus ryan

Huge congrats from me mate! wishing you love, laughter and epic adventures, keep the vibes positive, may God bless you two from now till the end.

Reinhard jordi kurniawan

Selamat Bensuu my ex chairmate and congrats Michelleeee. Wish you guys happiness forever 🖤

Jessica Angelina

Congrats to you two! So happy for you guys, may God bless and leads you❤️

Daniel Sean

Dear Mes and Ruben, Congratulations on your wedding! Wishing you both a lifetime filled with love, happiness, and beautiful memories together. May your journey as husband and wife be filled with joy, laughter, and endless blessings. Cheers to your forever love and a wonderful future ahead! Warmest wishes, DSA

Gregorius glen

Happy wedding Ruben & Michelle. Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness. Have a blessed marriage life 🥂

Ko lik

Selamat yaaa... Semoga rukun dan bahagia hingga ajal memisahkan.

Mercy Mezia

Let the journey begin, Congratulations!

Kwa Sie Yong

Now. you are ONE God bless you

Gabriella Felicia

Wishing you both endless love & laughter! ✨

Felin Alinsia

Best wishess for my best couple 🫰🏻 cheerss

Natania Kosnan

congratulations Michelle & Ruben, wishing you a lifetime love & happiness. GBU🫶🏻🫶🏻


Congrats MEStisamaRUBEN.. God Bless Us🤍

Tjong Affandi

Selamat buat Michelle Ruben Kiranya Tuhan Yesus selalu menyertai rumah tangga kalian berdua dg penuh kasih.

Samuel Dauhiong

Goodluck Brother Ruben dan Michelle !! Semoga semua diberikan kelancaran, kebahagiaan, keberkatan, perlindungan dalam keluarga dan hubungan AMIN !

Albertus Chandra

Congratsssssssss !! Ruben & Michelle ! Lancar terus sampai hari H ! See you .. Tuhan Yesus Memberkati !

Aditya Herman

Selamat menempuh hidup baru Ruben&Michelle. Semoga menjadi keluarga yang hangat dalam keadaan apapun , dan selalu dijalan tuhan disetiap hari dalam rumah tangga nantinya. Sekali lagi, Selamat!

Arief Nur Rifai

Selamat mas ruben sama kak michelle atas pernikahannya, semoga langgeng sampai akhir hayat.

Rian Artha Nugraha

Semoga bahagia selalu hingga tua nanti, Aamiin

Michail & Varellia

Congratss Michelle Rubenn! bahagia selalu.. Langgeng sampe kakek nenek!

Aloysius Sanlain

Wish you all the greatest ❤️ Create the happiness, build the commitment, and maintain the love ❤️ Happily ever after Ruben & Michelle

Teng Sunardi

Congratulation both! Happy wedding and everlasting ya love!

Mary Amabelle

Congratulations on your wedding, all the best wishes! Gbuu

Ko De Iping

Ikut berbahagia God Bless

Ignatius karel

congrats ruben and michelle!! may your love grow stronger everyday, wuatb 🎉

Roy & Yuli

Wishing you joy, love and happiness on your wedding day and as you begin your new life together.

Robby & Fangyin

Semoga langgeng sampai maut memisahkan, dan semoga cepat diberi momongan


Selamat Menempuh Hidup Baru

Geraldi kwasasi

Congrats on tying the knot! Wishing you a lifetime of love, laughter, and endless adventures. May your marriage be filled with joy, laughter, and a little bit of crazy 🎊

Bella [duplicate dengan Victoria Amabel]

Wishing the both of a lifetime of love,laughter and endless happiness together. Congratz on your beautiful journey ahead!🫶🏻

Vanessa Lim

Congratulations Ruben & Michelle! May your marriage be filled with love, health, and laughter! Cheers🥂 (ps. Cepetan pny anak ya mes)

Janice YP

Congratulations mes n husband on your wedding! I'm so happy for both of you and wish you a lifetime of love and happiness. I'm really sorry I couldn't be there to celebrate with you, but know that I'm thinking of you and sending my best wishes for your beautiful journey ahead you both❤️❤️❤️


Happy wedding for Ruben & Michelle GBU always

Kwa Tji Jen

Happy wedding 👏

Chandra & Melia

Congrats michelle & ruben!! Happy marriage life. All the best for ur family. Gbu

Kwa Sie Yen

Congratulation on your marriage Michelle& Ruben.Gbu

Nicholas & Lidya

Selamat menempuh perjalanan baru,semoga selalu dipenuhi damai sejahtara serta kebahagiaan untuk rumah tangganya, Tuhan berkati selalu 🙏


Have a wonderful mi journey

Cek Nga Lili

Happy Wedding

Andreas & Christy Julia

Semoga lancar semua persiapan nya & sukses acara nya ya… God bless both of u

David Pranoto

Congrats to both of you, Semoga Langgeng amin

Kwa Sie Tjong

Semoga bisa bersatu sampai kakek nenek

Loei Weng Kian (Ie Henny)

Congratulation for Ruben & Michelle

Almh Tan Tek Liang (Ie Nelly)

Selamat menempuh hidup baru

Yong Sin Lin (Eddy Jo)

Selamat menempuh hidup baru

Hioe Kim Seng (Ie Celly)

Selamat menempuh hidup baru

Budi Santoso

Moga rukun and langgeng terus pernikahannya.

Dante amadeo pangalila

Happy Wedding Ruben & Michelle May all the best be for you both Be happy forever Jangan lupa beli roadglide 🥰🥰🥰

Na Cin Yong

GBU always

David Pik Sin

To Michelle and Ruben, congrats y, may God lead both you guys each of you individually, enlightnen and may His love is poured to both of you abandonly. Remember to always love and support your father and mother. God bless y

Yim Sen

Happy Wedding Ruben and Michelle. God bless always

Hin Sen

Selamat atas pernikahannya, semoga selalu diberkati sebagai keluarga

Inda Sari

Happy wedding Kak Ruben and Kak Michelle GBU


Saya bangga dan senang mendengar bahwa Michelle menikah, saya berdoa agar pernikahan ini kudus, lancar dan di berlati Tuhan Yesus

Rudy Tjahyono

Selamat menempuh hidup baru🙏God Bless You n Fam😇

Neng Zumaroh

Selamat menempuh hidup baru. Semoga bahagia selalu..


"May the Lord guide you both as you walk together in faith and love." Love & pray, ~auntie~

Hari Tirtana

Congrats Ruben & Michele, Selamat menempuh hidup baru, langgeng terus sampai kakek nenek

Matthew Szalynski

Happy Wedding MES and Ruben! Wishing you both all the best in your journey together✨ God Bless!

Tito & Vivi

Selamat menempuh hidup baru Tuhan memberkati

Cik De Lan

Hopefully the wedding of Ruben & Michelle will be succses.

Liana Feary

Congratulation🥳🥳 Selamat menempuh perjalanan hidup yg baru.. Tuhan menyertai selalu..

Esther widjaja

Congratulations for your wedding yaa Ruben & Michelle. Tuhan Yesus yang menyertai setiap langkah perjalanan kehidupan kalian. Dan selalu menjadi berkat di manapun kalian berada. Tuhan Yesus menyertai dan memberkati selalu

Ya Nam Seng

Congratulations Ruben Michelle

Po Sen

Happy Wedding, somoga kebahagiaan selalu menyertai kalian.

Go Kian Eng

Happy wedding

Sastro Hadi

Happy wedding

Kenneth Sajogo

Wishing you a lifetime of love, joy, and endless blessings!


Happy Wedding Kak Ruben & Michelle! Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness!!!

Zoraya Parlautan

Congratss Mess & Ruben! Smoga happy slamanya and smoga smuanya lancar2 smpe hari H yaa!

Ria Alfreda

Congratulationss!! Wishing you both lots of joy and happiness on your wedding day. May it be the start of a wonderful and exciting life together. Lots of love. GBU ALWAYS!!

Ika Rizna

Happy wedding Kak Beeeeeen Semoga cinta yang kamu bagikan hari ini tumbuh lebih kuat seiring saat kamu menua bersama. Amiin

Darma Gani

Happy wedding for both of u

carine anugrah

So happy for you bothh!! Best wishes on your new beginning🩷 sending all my loves n hugs xx

Viona Angeline

Congratulations for the wedding Mes & husband 🥹🥂 Praying for a blessed marriage for both of you ❤️

Sutrisno Ramlan

Happy Wedding!


May your love continue to grow each and every moment , every year. Best wishes on your wedding

Ng husin

Semoga pernikahan diberkati sampai keturunan nya. God Bless

Alex Agustama

Selamat menempuh hidup baru, semoga lancar segala persiapannya ya


Happy forever

Hendra Widjaya

Congratulations on your marriage and best wishes for a happy and fulfilling future.

Johan Singgatama

Congratulations on this joyous ocacasion! Whising Michelle and Ruben a lifetime filled with love,happiness and endless blessings .

Loeis Yudho

Happy Wedding Ruben & Michelle semoga langgeng sampe kakek nenek & banyak berkat kedepan ❤️


Selamat mas Ruben sudah menempuh kehidupan baru, semoga langgeng sampai selamanya


Happy wedding Mas Ben


Congratulations on your wedding. Wishing you a future filled with laughter, adventure, and endless love

Juliant Ming

Punya anak yg banyak terutama meme

Pdt. Elia BD

Selamat Menempuh Hidup Baru Dia Terbaik untuk mu


bahagia selalu, penuh berkah dan cinta

Velda emmeline wijaya

happy wedding! wishing you a great marriage life✨


Apa yg sdh dipersatukan Tuhan. Tdk boleh diceraikan manusia. harus komitment selalu pegang janji pernikahan.

Levina Etana

semoga langgeng sampai maut yang memisahkan


Congratulations love birds wishing you a love of a lifetime <3

Chandra Lie

Selamat Menempuh Hidup Baru dan Tuhan Yesus Memberkati

Catharina Deasy

congrts mes & ruben!! cepet dapettt babyy ya!! hehehehe 😙😙😙

Willy Wijaya

We wish both of you have a blessed and happy family. Love and respect each other and hope your love will last forever. Best regards, Willy and Jenny (DATE Taman Sari)

Erwin Lesmana

Congratulations, wishing you both happiness today and always.

Joni Fonda

Blessings and favor upon both of you as you enter a new season of life

Pdt. Rio Patiselano

As you move into your new lives as a married couple, know that God is with you every step of the way. Have a blessed wedding day.. Jesus bless both of you


Bahagia hingga menua bersama

Emmanuel Bayu

Ruben & Michelle, Start your journey together with God. Trust Him, He will always walk with you guys. With love, Om Bayu & Tante Titi


Semoga berbahagia selamanya GBU

Caesario wardhana

Selamat atas pernikahannya ruben dan michelle, lo berdua orang yang baik dan semoga selalu dikelilingi oleh kebaikan dan keberuntungan!

Dr. Wigih

Love it other ..forever

Erick Tanton

Happy wedding anak anak muda May happiness and joy always be with you


For Ruben &Michelle Happy Wedding God Blessed You always

Djuniarti Notoprodjo

Congrats buat Ruben dan Michelle ya. Semoga langgeng, bahagia, dan penuh berkat Tuhan.

Ngalimin Halim

Semoga langgeng selamanya

Andry Chandra Gunawan Soesanto , ST

Selalu bahagia,saling mendukung, dan langgeng selalu

Patricia richella

Wishing u guys the gentle and easiest life after marriage ❤️. Hope it full of laughs, forgiveness and tears, and more more more laughs together yaaa!!!


Selamat buat Ruben dan Michelle. Tetap setia kepada Tuhan dan menjadi keluarga yang diberkati. Amin

Agus Santoso

Selamat melangkah ke fase penting dlm hidup, apa yg dipersatukan Tuhan, jangan dipisahkan manusia, doa kami mengiringi langkah kalian, Tuhan berkati Rumah Tangga yg baru

Singgih Halim

Congratulations, God bless you always 🙏

Dede Sugiharto

Tuhan Yesus berkati kehidupan pernikahan kalian ya, setia sampai akhir...Amin

Fransisca Kurniawan

Congratulations on your wedding! Wishing you both a lifetime of love, joy, and endless happiness together. May your journey as partners be filled with beautiful memories and shared dreams

Soebagio Tjing Hian

Selamat berbahagia untuk mempelai, semoga langgeng sampai tua

Ferry & Lia

Selamat BERBAHAGIA Ruben & Michelle Tuhan Jesus Memberkati ❤️❤️

Alvenia Jap

Congratulations on your wedding day guys! May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day! Have a wonderful night ❤️

Josephine Kuncoro

selamat mes n suami. semoga langgeng terus sampe tuaa, God bless alwayss

Soenarjo & Mul

Selamat Menempuh Hidup Baru..... Gbu

Jessyca Kuncoro

happy wedding! semoga pernikahannya lancar, keluarga mes dan ruben diberkati Tuhan dan diberi kelancaran rezeki dan kesehatan berlimpah

Hwie Yang

Semoga sukses & bahagia

Elisabet Vinolia

Happy Wedding Day ! May your love burn brighter every day as you grow in love 🥰🥳

Sogiarto & Christine

Selamat menempuh hidup baru buat Ruben & Michelle. Menjadi keluarga muda yg sllu diberkati Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Imanuel. Amin. ❤


Semoga selalu berbahagia, dalam sertaan Tuhan

Yenny Wijaya

Selamat berbahagia menempuh hidup baru

Natalia barbara elnina sigarlaki

Wishing you both a lifetime of love, joy, and laughter as you begin this beautiful journey together. May your days be filled with happiness, your challenges be met with strength, and your love continue to grow with each passing year!

Jennyfer Kuncoro

Happy Wedding to my bestfriend & her husband❤️ Wishing you both lots of joy and happiness on your wedding day!

Teguh & Yutik

Semoga semua berjalan dgn lancar dan Tuhan memberkati

Pdt. Stefanus suwarno

Selamat ya ...Tuhan memberkati kalian dengan sangat luar biasa...

Hwie Jiang

Sukses dan diberkati Tuhan


Selamat menempuh hidup baru


Happy wedding, GBU


Matius 19:6


Sukses full, GBU

Ridwan Wijaya

Happy Wedding Michelle & Ruben. God Bless You

Ko Nga Lin

Wish you both an everlasting marriage with happiness and blessings.


Selamat menempuh chapter hidup baru bersama, semoga berbahagia dan Tuhan memberkati🩵

Maria Tio

"May your marriage be filled with laughter, joy, and endless love". ❤


God Bless your marriage


Selamat memulai petualangan baru. Jangan lupa romantis itu penting, tapi sabar lebih penting


Selamat menempuh hidup baru.. TUHAN memberkati


Congrats for Ruben & Michelle. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness together. Jbu.


Menjadi keluarga yang bahagia, setia mengiring Tuhan, melayani Tuhan dan sukses berkat melimpah diberkati Tuhan


BAPA surgawi yang kami kenal dlm nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus hamba berdoa menyerahkan " Ruben dan Michelle anakMU, Yang hari ini pemberkatan nikah Kudus berkatilah ya Tuhan. Mereka milikMU berkati mjd pasangan yang saling setia dan saling membutuhkan saling melengkapi satu sama lain sampai mereka kembali kepakuanMU. Tdk ada yang sanggup memisahkan mereka kecuali maut. Jagai rumah tangga mereka ya Tuhan " Ruben dan Michelle ini yang mjd doa hambaMU dlm nama Tuhan Yesus Amin


Happy wedding Ruben and Michelle, Gbu


Selamat berbahagia


Selamat menempuh Hidup baru semoga diLancarkan. Dan. Tuhan. Sll memberkatti di beri Damai sejahtera 🙏🙏

Felix & Amelia

Congratulations Love Birds!! Semoga Wedding Prepsnya dilancarkan semuanya..🙏 Seeyou soon Groom & Bride to Be🥳.. Tuhan Memberkati😁💕

Bambang Soegiarto

Congratulations Ruben & Michelle.. God Bless your new journey.. 😁🙏

Lidya yunita hiu

congrats on your wedding,ruben & michelle! may your marriage be filled with love, laughter, and endless joy. wishing you a lifetime of happiness together

Tony Fu

Happy wedding

Yap Kim Yun (Merry)

Selamat menempuh hidup baru, semoga langgeng selalu


Selamat menempuh hidup baru! Semoga langgeng sampai maut memisahkan! Gbu


Selamat menempuh hidup baru


Bahagia selalu sampai maut memisahkan, Tuhan yesus memberkati,amin


Congratulations Ruben & Michelle


Tuhan Yesus selalu beserta

Edwien Konatra

happy wedding n GBU

Hartono Mike

Happy Wedding Both of You. God Bless ✨️

Hendry Wijaya

Happy wedding

Hari Kurniawan

Semoga langgeng selamanya .dan TUHAN memberkati

Hendra Kurniawan

semoga langgeng sampai maut memisahkan, Tuhan Memberkati

Natalicia margatan

Wishing u nothing, but a lifetime of love, and a wonderful journey on ur new chapter of life ben and michelle !!


Everything is better with you,
Everything has been better since you